Handbook of Applied Cryptography

Chapter 7 Contents

7 Block Ciphers
7.1 Introduction and overview
7.2 Background and general concepts
7.2.1 Introduction to block ciphers
7.2.2 Modes of operation
7.2.3 Exhaustive key search and multiple encryption
7.3 Classical ciphers and historical development
7.3.1 Transposition ciphers (background)
7.3.2 Substitution ciphers (background)
7.3.3 Polyalphabetic substitutions and Vigenere ciphers (historical)
7.3.4 Polyalphabetic cipher machines and rotors (historical)
7.3.5 Cryptanalysis of classical ciphers (historical)
7.4 DES
7.4.1 Product ciphers and Feistel ciphers
7.4.2 DES algorithm
7.4.3 DES properties and strength
7.5 FEAL
7.6 IDEA
7.7 SAFER, RC5, and other block ciphers
7.7.1 SAFER
7.7.2 RC5
7.7.3 Other block ciphers
7.8 Notes and further references
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