Handbook of Applied Cryptography

Chapter 10 Contents

10 Identification and Entity Authentication
10.1 Introduction
10.1.1 Identification objectives and applications
10.1.2 Properties of identification protocols
10.2 Passwords (weak authentication)
10.2.1 Fixed password schemes: techniques
10.2.2 Fixed password schemes: attacks
10.2.3 Case study - UNIX passwords
10.2.4 PINs and passkeys
10.3 Challenge-response identification (strong authentication)
10.3.2 Challenge-response by symmetric-key techniques
10.3.3 Challenge-response by public-key techniques
10.4 Customized and zero-knowledge identification protocols
10.4.1 Overview of zero-knowledge concepts
10.4.2 Feige-Fiat-Shamir identification protocol
10.4.3 GQ identification protocol
10.4.4 Schnorr identification protocol
10.4.5 Comparison: Fiat-Shamir, GQ, and Schnorr
10.5 Attacks on identification protocols
10.6 Notes and further references
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